When I was coming up through the ranks and trying to establish myself as an independent trader, I heard a mountain of advice directed to newer traders. Most of it was cataloged away in my mind with a “that sounds logical” footnote, but the problem with getting too much advice when you’re a n00b is that you don’t really have the experience to give it context.
And I would find that all that advice really was correct, if I had stopped to apply it. I suppose some things are better off learned experientially instead of by reading them. So after all this time, what advice would I want to pass along to others that were coming up through the ranks, as I did? Let me boil it down to the top three:
I’m sure that I have many more lessons that I’ve yet to encounter, but these are my top three for today! . In your corner……..Doc Severson Click Here to Get a Free 14-Day Trial of Doc and Dave's Services |
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